Share the peace of Christ by supporting the Peace & Global Witness Offering.

Christian-Muslim Relations Toolkit: Act

Muslim banquet

Act locally

Act globally



  • Support mission co-workers serving in Muslim-majority contexts:
  • Give to Mission Personnel Support, E132192
    Gifts from individuals, combined with Basic Mission Support funds from congregations, enable Presbyterian mission personnel to work in approximately 80 countries. Your financial gift is an important part of our global work of walking in partnership with our siblings in countries all across the globe.
  • Give to Special Opportunities in World Mission, E864015.  Special funds are needed to increase our response to world mission needs in the areas of evangelism, health, development and other ministries. Overseas mission work is often inhibited because of unpredictable funding patterns. This ECO will provide the means to better respond to the needs of Christian churches around the world as they seek to spread the good news.

To give by mail, please write the ECO number in the memo line and mail the check to:

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
P.O. Box 643700
Pittsburgh, PA 15264-3700