Nashua Presbyterian Church, “the Church in the Woods”

Nashua Presbyterian Church in the woods

The PCUSA Earth Care Congregation program welcomes newly certified Earth Care Congregation Nashua Presbyterian Church (NH).  When this congregation was chartered as a PCUSA church and built its sanctuary in 1997, they chose to build it back from the road – in the woods.  They call themselves “The Church in the Woods.” Because of their love of the woods and adjoining wetlands on their 13 acres, they built with a care for the environment and continue to treasure this gift of part of God’s creation.


Having built an energy efficient building, they have since added:  a memorial garden, nine flower gardens, meditation trail (including a geocache) and have added features to help manage storm water run-off and provide a wildlife-friendly habitat.

Nashua Presbyterian Church picnic garden

Their most recent project is a large community garden that will include a special section for the children this year. Particularly interesting are the efforts the congregation made to convert lawns to low-moisture grass and to put solar-motion-activated lights in the parking lot.

Nashua Presbyterian Church garden w people


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