Calling all chaplains, ministers, & health workers

The National Council of Churches Eco-Justice Program sent the following action alert:

Are you a parish nurse, pastor, chaplain, health worker, or involved in any sort of ministry with people who suffer chronic diseases? You are invited to speak out about your pastoral concerns for these families, and to ask Congress to protect families from toxic chemicals linked to chronic disease.

Ministry is all about listening. If you have ever ministered to a family struggling with a debilitating, chronic disease, you know how heartbreaking their stories can be.  In our ministries, we pray, offer words of comfort, and help families cope. Many of us wish we could do more to alleviate the suffering. Scientists are increasingly finding links between chronic diseases and exposures to toxic chemicals found in everyday products such as cleaning supplies and personal care products. In light of the growing body of evidence that toxic chemicals are harming God’s people, the National Council of Churches is asking you to not just listen to patients and their families, but also to speak out for them. 

Click here to sign a letter to your representatives asking them to protect families from dangerous toxic chemicals. 

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