Eco-Justice at Ecumenical Advocacy Days

The National Council of Churches Eco-Justice Program sent the following information about the Eco-Justice Track at Ecumenical Advocacy Days (EAD) on March 25-28, 2011:

The annual EAD conference in Washington, DCis a space for the ecumenical Christian community to worship, reflect theologically, learn, and witness together to U.S. legislators.  Drawing over 800 people each year with the support of many Christian communions and over 45 organizations, EAD is one of our most powerful national opportunities for public witness.  This coming year's theme is "Development, Security, and Economic Justice: What's Gender Got to Do with It?"

The Eco-Justice track at EAD will include a series of 1.5 hour workshops about how gender relates to environmental health, climate justice, and sustainable living.  Here's a sneak preview of what we'll be offering:

• Maternal Health and Environmental Justice: Development and Security Start in the Womb
• The Role of Gender in Climate-Displaced Communities
• Cleanliness is… Godliness?  An Investigation into the Dangers of Everyday Cosmetics and           Cleaning Supplies
• Film Screening & Discussion: "Living Downstream:An Ecologist's Personal Investigation of Cancer and the Environment." (See the trailer at author and filmmaker Dr. Sandra Steingraber's website here.)

Read more about the eco-justice track at EAD here.  Check out for more information. Register early for a discounted rate. 

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