As the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico continues, Creation Hope has a new project called Oil Spill Prayer, which is asking that people commit to pray about the oil spill. You can commit to prayer, share prayers, and learn more at the Oil Spill Prayer website.
Volunteer Opportunities:
Volunteer Florida has information for Floridians who are interested in helping prepare the coast for the approaching oil. Volunteer Florida is stressing that oil clean up should be left to trained personnel, but there are other tasks volunteers can be involved in before the oil hits the Florida coast.
Links to volunteer opportunities in other states can be found on the Deep Water Horizon Response website. There are various sites along the Gulf Coast that will be holding pre-landfall beach clean ups this weekend. Removing trash, vegetative debris, and other waste reduces the amount of potentially contaminated material, remediation time, cost of post-impact cleanup, and human exposure to possibly harmful material.